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时间:2022-04-06 20:04:55 分类:行业动态



会议背景/Meeting Background


在“中瑞零碳建筑合作项目”的框架下,为了更好地推广零碳建筑,项目执行方中国建筑科学研究院(CABR)和瑞士联合团队intep/Skat等单位共同发起“中瑞零碳建筑系列研讨会” -- “ZEB TALKS”。我们将邀请中国和瑞士的政府官员、技术专家、规划设计人员和决策者参加每月一次的“中瑞零碳建筑系列研讨会”,介绍和讨论与零碳建筑、社区发展和建筑标准相关的前沿理念、解决方案、技术和工具。

Buildings and the construction sector as a whole account for approximately 40% of total global energy-related carbon emissions. At the same time, China's building sector is the largest in the world, and its energy consumption accounts for approximately one third of China's total energy consumption. Increasing the proportion of energy-efficient buildings in China is therefore an urgent and important step towards achieving global climate goals. To this end, the Chinese Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) are collaborating on a project entitled "Sino-Swiss Zero Carbon Building Cooperation Project", which aims to draw on Switzerland's experience in the field of zero carbon buildings to help China develop technical standards for zero carbon buildings and to build zero carbon building demonstration projects in China. The aim is to support China in developing "Zero Carbon Building"-Technology standards and to build such demonstration projects in China, thereby contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in China's construction sector.

Within the framework of the "Sino-Swiss Zero Carbon Building Partnership" and in order to better promote zero carbon buildings, the project implementer China Academy of Building Research (CABR) and the Swiss joint team intep/Skat have launched the "Sino-Swiss Zero Carbon Building Seminar Series " - "ZEB TALKS". Government officials, technical experts, planners and policy makers from China and Switzerland will be invited to the monthly "ZEB TALKS" to present and discuss cutting-edge ideas, solutions, technologies and tools related to zero carbon buildings, community development and building standards.

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  • 瑞士发展合作署 The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

  • 中国住房城乡建设部 Ministry of  Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MoHURD) 

  • 中国建筑科学研究院 The China Academy of Building Research CABR

  • 住房和城乡建设部科技与产业化发展中心  Science Technology and Industrialization Development Center

  • 中国建筑节能协会超低能耗建筑分会  China Association Of Building Energy Efficiency

  • 茵态(intep)综合规划咨询有限公司和SKAT咨询公司 Intep Integrale Planung GmbH and Skat Consulting (Facilitator)

  • 瑞士联邦材料科学与技术研究所(EMPA)和卢塞恩应用科技大学(支持方with the support of EMPA and Hochschule Luzern






How Switzerland meets its national Zero-Emission targets for 2050+ in the Building Sector




2022年4月8日周五,北京时间16:00, 瑞士时间 10:00

Friday, April 8, 2022, China Time 16:00, Swiss Time 10:00


目前瑞士INFRAS咨询公司的领导人,同时也担任瑞士政府咨询顾问的Stefan Kessler先生将在四月份的研讨会中向我们介绍:瑞士历年来在建筑领域节能减排的经验,成功业绩,所面临的挑战,以及如何实现2050年宏伟的零碳战略目标。

之后,intep的联合创始人Roland Stulz先生将总结性地介绍40年来他在瑞士推广绿色建筑所付出的努力,积累的经验,并以创新者和先驱者的身份对建筑领域当前的发展和未来的挑战进行经验分享。 

In the April edition, Stefan Kessler from INFRAS, a leading Swiss consulting company and advisor of the Swiss Government, will present the Swiss experience in lowering energy consumptions and carbon emissions in the building sector. He will present success stories and challenges from the past and the strategies to meet the ambitious targets for 2050. 

Roland Stulz (intep) will comment the current developments and future challenges from the position of the innovator and pioneer and provide his valuable insights, into 40 years of efforts in making green building a country-wide mainstream.

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嘉宾介绍 /Guest



  Roland Stulz 

来自茵态(intep)的Roland Stulz先生是瑞士知名的建筑师和城市规划师,也是茵态(intep)的创始人。他提出了2000瓦社会理念,并创立了可持续校园国际网络(ISCN),目前担任“中瑞零碳建筑合作项目”的首席技术顾问。

Roland Stulz is an architect / spatial planner and the founder of intep. He also founded the 2000 Watt society and the International Sustainable Campus Network and is the Lead technical Senior Advisor of the ZEB China Project. 


  Stefan Kessler 

来自INFRAS的Stefan Kessler先生是中瑞零碳建筑合作项目报告 “瑞士2050脱碳路径和瑞士建筑领域节能减排技术法规经验介绍 — 给中国下一代建筑减排标准的启发与建议"的主要作者。

Stefan Kessler (INFRAS) is the Lead Author of  ZEB China’s Report on “The Swiss Decarbonization Roadmap for 2050” and “Swiss experience on technical regulation for energy and emissions in the building sector - Inputs for China’s next generation of Building Emission Standards”.




Dr. Lu, an architect and urban planner, is leading the international coordination for the Sino-Swiss Zero Carbon Building Partnership. She is senior consultant at intep and will moderate this workshop.





“中瑞零碳建筑系列研讨会”将通过线上举办,演讲和讨论以英文进行,并翻译成中文,会议免费。请扫码报名或浏览器打开网页链接 https://jinshuju.net/f/aFfiVt。之后我们会向您发送会议链接。

The "Sino-Swiss Zero Carbon Building Seminar Series" will be held online, with presentations and discussions in English and translated into Chinese, and will be free of charge. To register, please scan the code or open the web link https://jinshuju.net/f/aFfiVt. A link to the conference will be sent to you afterwards.

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更多主题/ Upcoming topics




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In order to effectively reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector in China and to strengthen the cooperation between China and Switzerland in the field of climate protection and building energy efficiency, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA) and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MoHURD) of the People's Republic of China signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the development of Sino-Swiss cooperation in the field of building energy efficiency on November 24, 2020.

In this context, the "Sino-Swiss Zero Carbon Building Cooperation Project" was launched, implemented by the Chinese side by the China Academy of Building Research (CABR) and the Swiss side by a joint intep/Skat team. The aim of the project is to jointly develop a future-oriented "zero carbon building technology standard", to build zero carbon building demonstration projects in different climate zones in China, and to promote the development of zero carbon buildings in China through professional training, a series of seminars and other capacity building.

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