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时间:2023-02-06 16:41:00 分类:行业动态

零能耗学术委员会 零能耗建筑学术委 2023-02-06 17:08 发表于北京




在此框架下,为了更好地推广零碳建筑,项目执行方中国建筑科学研究院(CABR)和瑞士联合团队intep/Skat共同发起了“中瑞零碳建筑系列研讨会” -- “ZEB TALKS”。我们拟邀请中国和瑞士的政府官员、技术专家、规划设计人员和决策者参加约每月一次的“中瑞零碳建筑系列研讨会”,介绍和讨论与零碳建筑、社区发展和建筑标准相关的前沿理念、解决方案、技术和工具。

本期研讨会我们邀请到了瑞士intep的高级专家、“环境与资源管理”业务部门负责人Martina Alig,她将介绍KBOB - 瑞士建筑行业的生命周期评估数据系统,包括其开发背景、数据系统结构、核心内容以及在实施过程中面临的挑战。此外,中方专家为吴佳艳女士将分享她对中国建材全生命周期发展道路的看法,并与Martina就中瑞之间在减少建筑领域二氧化碳排放方面开展何种合作展开对话。吴佳女士为浙江大学建筑设计学院高级暖通工程师、省级绿色建筑标准编制专家。此次研讨会由CABR研究员杨芯岩博士主持。

Since 2020 the Chinese Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) have been working together to implement the "Sino-Swiss Zero Emission Building Cooperation Project", which aims to use Switzerland's experience in the field of zero carbon buildings to help China develop zero emission building technology standards and build zero emission building demonstration projects, thereby promoting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in China's building sector.

In this framework and in order to better promote Zero Emission Buildings, the project implementer - China Academy of Building Research (CABR) and the Swiss Consortium - intep/Skat have launched the "Sino-Swiss Zero Emission Building Seminar Series" - "ZEB TALKS ". We intend to invite Chinese and Swiss government officials, technical experts, planners and policy makers to the approximately monthly "Sino-Swiss Zero Emission Building Seminar Series" to present and discuss cutting-edge ideas, solutions, technologies and tools related to zero emission buildings, district development and building standards.

In February 2023, the ZEB-team invited intep’s senior expert and the head of business unit “Environmental and Resource management”, Martina Alig to introduce KBOB – the Swiss life cycle assessment data system in construction sector. The presentation will focus on the data system's background and structure as well as the cahllenges during the implementation. Ms. Jiayan Wu, the Chinese senior HAVC engineer and provincial standards developer at Zhejiang University, will share her view about China’s development road in this issue and open a dialog with Martina about suitable potential cooperations between China and Switzerland to lower CO2 emission in the building sector. The expert inputs will be followed by a panel discussion between the experts and moderated by Dr. Xinyan Yang from CABR.

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2023年2月9日,周四,北京时间16:00,瑞士时间 9:00

09.02.2023, Thursday - Beijing time 16:00, Swiss time: 9:00



                                                                 演讲嘉宾: Martina Alig

Martina Alig是一位环境科学家,毕业于苏黎世联邦理工学院,专注于生命周期评估。她在企业和产品生命周期评估咨询方面拥有10年的经验。现担任intep环境与资源管理业务部门的负责人。

Martina Alig is an ETH environmental scientist with a focus on life cycle assessments. She has 10 years of experience in corporate and product life-cycle assessment consulting and is the head of intep's Environmental und Resource management business unit.

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                                                                 演讲嘉宾: 吴佳艳


Jiayan WU is the senior engineer and deputy chief engineer at the Architectural Design & Research Institution of Zhejiang University (UAD) . She has engaged in energy-saving construction and low-carbon building researches for more than 10 years. Furthermore, she is also a key player in provincial and municipal scientific research projects as well as provincial green building standards development.  

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                                                                主持人: 杨芯岩 博士


Dr. Xinyan Yang holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering related to Building Services and is a specialist and a key associate researcher at CABR for Zero Emission in Buildings.

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The "Sino-Swiss Zero emission Building Seminar Series" will be held online and consists of presentations and discussions in English, translated into Chinese. It is free of charge.

Please use the following link to enter the Zoom meeting. Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86701746238, or Zoom ID: 86701746238. We will open the entry at Beijing time 15:50 and Swiss time 8:50. 

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Welcome to scan the code to contact us. We will invite you to the Sino-Swiss ZEB Talk WeChat Group





In order to effectively reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector in China and to strengthen the cooperation between China and Switzerland in the field of climate protection and building energy efficiency, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA) and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MoHURD) of the People's Republic of China signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the development of Sino-Swiss cooperation in the field of building energy efficiency on November 24, 2020.

In this context, the "Sino-Swiss Zero Carbon Building Cooperation Project" was launched, implemented by the Chinese side by the China Academy of Building Research (CABR) and the Swiss side by a joint intep/Skat team. The aim of the project is to jointly develop a future-oriented "zero carbon building technology standard", to build zero carbon building demonstration projects in different climate zones in China, and to promote the development of zero carbon buildings in China through professional training, a series of seminars and other capacity building.

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